Siirry suoraan sisältöön

15:30 Who Cares About Caring?

26 min, Estonia 2017
Ohjaus: Amaranta Heredia Jaén
Greek with English subtitles
The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the filmmaker.

Nothern Greece, summer 2016. The self-organized group Prosvasimotita visits Posidi, a camping site by the beach, like they do every year. Prosvasimotita is a grassroots disability group based in Thessaloniki. They are fellow activists on vacation, enacting in their daily practice the type of society they aim to build.

This documentary is about caring, how care makes us family, and how the filmmaker can be part of that process. Disability is not used as a metaphor, but as a tool to re-think normativity and vulnerability, and to create more inclusive communities. In a society where we are constantly expected to be independent, this project advocates for autonomy and interdependency, trust and intimacy.

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